Thursday, April 7, 2016

10 March 2016 (Unit 4)

Function of the FED

  1. Issue paper currency 
  2. Set reverse requirement
  3. Lend money bank & charge them interest 
  4. Check clearing service for bank
  5. Act as personal bank to government 
  6. supervise member banks 
  7. Control money supply in the economy

  • The Required reserve ratio in the % of demand deposit ( Checking account balances) that must not be loaned out.
  • Required Reserve Ratio = 10% (when is set by the government).

Multiple Deposit

  • Type 1 : Calculate the intial change in excess reserve.
  • Type 2 : calculate the change in loans in the banking system.
  • Type 3 : Calculate the change in the money supply 

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