Saturday, March 26, 2016

Video over unit 4 - Monetery policy

Video 1

Type of money

  • Commodity money - involves the use of an actual good in place of money.
  • Representative money - is money that can be exchanged for a commodity at a fixed rate.
  • Fiat money - is money that has no value except as the medium of exchange; there is no inherent or intrinsic value to the currency. 

Three function of money

  • Medium of Exchange - is what people trade for goods and service.
  • Store of value - is a means for holding wealth.
  • Unit of Account - is the measure in which prices are quoted. 

Video 2

Money Market Graph


  • Shift the supply curve (always vertical ) when the FED changes the money supply to change nominal
  • As the interest rate increase, the quantity of money demand decrease.
  • As the interest rate decrease, the quantity of money demand increase.

  • The money supply curve only move to the left and right.

  • The money demand line only move up and down.

Video 3  

Tools of Monetary policy

  •  Expansionary monetary policy - occur when a central bank acts to increase the money supply in an effort to stimulate the economy. When the FED buys bonds, it injects new funds directly into the loan-able funds market. this action increases the supply of loan-able funds and decreases the interest rate.
  • Contractionary monetary policy - occurs when a central bank acts to decrease the money supply. When the FED sells bonds, which pulls funds out of the loan-able funds market. This action decrease the supply of loan-able funds and increase the interest rate.

Video 4

The loanable funds market


  • Supply loanable funds depend on savings.
  • An increase in the supply loanable funds means the quantity will increase and the interest rate will decrease.
  • A decrease in the supply loanable funds means the quantity will decrease and the interest rate will increase.
    • The supply loanable funds only move to the right or left.
  • An increase in the demand loanable funds means the interest rate will decrease.
  •  A decrease in the demand loanable funds means the interest rate will decrease.

Video 5

Money Creation process

*Banks create money buy making loans.
  • Reserve Requirement (RR) -  is the amount of money that is required by the FED that banks should keep on any deposit. 
RR = 20%                                                                                            Loan amount = $500
Question: Total $ created
$ multiplier =1/RR               1/0.2  = 5                         5*500=   2500

Video 6

Relating the money market graph, Loanable graph, AD - AS Graph

  • An increase in the demand, will increase the interest rate and the price level.
* The supply line on left graph can only move left and right.
* The supply line on the middle and right graph move up and down.

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