Tuesday, February 9, 2016

28 January 2016

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)- total market value of all final goods and services produced within a countries border in given year.

  • Gross national Product (GNP)- total market value of all final goods and services by citizens of that country on its land or foreign land.

    • C- Personal consumption expenditures (Your own Money, Wages, Income).
    • IG- Gross private domestic investment  
      • Factory equipment maintenance 
      • New factory equipment
      • Construction of housing
      • Unsold inventory of products built in a year before
    • G- Government spending
    • Xn- Exports- Imports

    • Intermediate Goods
        -Goods that require further processing, before ready for final use
         (car, all needs for a car such as window, gas tank, engine)
    •   used/ second                                                                                                                         -avoid double counting (thrift shop clothes)
    •  Purely Financial Transaction                                                                                                 - such as stocks and bonds
       - does not involve the product of goods and services. It is mainly a transient of assets.
      -something that is durable
    • Illegal Activity -(drug)
    • Unreported Business Activities (unreported tips)
    •  Transfer Payments -private (scholarships)   -Public ( social security checks, welfare)
    • Non- Market Activity -(volunteering, baby sitting, performing work for your self such as fixing the roof on your own home)

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